
1/144th SCALE










1/72nd SCALE






Modern generation kit by Airfix. Multiple boxings in both series 1 and series 2




This kit has much to blame for my being a modeller. The first model I ever saw so it does have fond memories for me. Rivets galore raised details open wheel wells. Basic L-shaped seat for the cockpit. Wonderful boxart of a 112 Squadron RAF in western desert colours, with that great shark mouth.




P40B/P40C/Hawk 81


Although limited run kits these are very good. Resin and photo-etched details Vacform canopies. Needs work adjusting the fitting during construction and the plastic is very hard. My normal "glues" have a hard time with this plastic. The P40C includes a 5 squadron SAAF option. 


Hawk 75 A1/2/3/4/Mohawk IV


Although limited run kits these are very good. Resin and photo-etched details. Vacform canopies. Needs work adjusting the

fitting during construction. I feel this kit is a better detail with the included resin cockpit set over the Azur and Special Hobby kits. Kits includes both cowling types used on the Hawk family.






Raised panel lines. Basic L-shaped seat, open wheel wells sets the standard for this kit. Canopy thick and heavy




Later release than the Airfix. No rivets but detail was a bit heavy. Kit had basic cockpit.






Once again rivet city. Scale was off, around 1/70th IIRC. Very basic




Very nice early kit from Monogram, basic seat and fine panel lines. Canopy quite thin


Revell Germany




RevellG release of an Eastern block kit. Scribe details some basic cockpit. Only large tailed short fuselage model around.




Older than the original Monogram kit, I have not seen it for years. Original release had sliding canopy and movable wheels. Well that was the theory but for this young modeller when trying to do that I either ended up with wonky wheels or they were glued all skew. Oh yes don't forget the rivets. What did we know then? we were having fun




Although I built this kit when younger I don't remember much about this kit&






Typical limited run kit from this manufacturer. Careful work and cleanup during assembly should result in a good-looking model. Only Merlin engined variant in this scale. MPM released this kit in two variants, the second was "upgraded" and included a resin cockpit to replace the basic plastic 




P36 Mohawk IV


Limited run injection moulded kit with vacform and resin bits. The Special Hobby P-36 is the same basic kit with an additional sprue included for the P-36 


Special Hobby


P36/Hawk 75


Both this and the Azur kit are basically identical. Limited run injection moulded kit with vacform and resin bits. This kit includes an additional sprue for the P-36 option cowling. the Hawk 75 kit has new wings with the fixed undercarriage of this version.




P40E / P40N

Nice little kits, canopies very thin. Basic cockpit supplied with decal instrument panel. Note that the nose is too narrow for the spinner. This is easily corrected by adding a sliver of plasticard but when doing so remove the prop shaft otherwise you will out of alignment




P36 (Hawk 75 A-3)


Rivets, some cockpit detail open wheel wells sets the tone for this old Heller kit




Dont remember much about this kit





Heavy panel lines, thick canopy are my memories






This kit appears to be heavily based on the original Frog kit except all the panel lines were scribed. the remainder of the kit was identical, i.e. basic cockpit open wheel wells


P40E/ P40M/N


Latest P40 release. Unsure whether I really like them. extremely detailed cockpit for the scale. The canopies are supposed to be too deep but as I have not put mine against scale drawings yet. Useful that the P40N kit gives the option to build a P40M.





Low pressure injection moulded kit. Thick heavy parts. With work a good replica can result




P40B Tomahawk


Unknown quantity for me


1/48th scale






Modern generation kit by Airfix. Multiple boxings, Best P40B in 1/48th scale.






Early Monogram release. Raised panel lines, open wheel wells and basic cockpit. It is arguably difficult as to which kit of the P40B would take the least work to achieve an "accurate" representation. Some modellers feel it was this one


P40E Pro-Modeller


Modified version of the Revell kit by trying to add scribed panel lines. Was not too successful






Have not looked at one so cannot comment


Otaki (Arii, Matchbox and Airfix)



Scribed panel lines, divots, basic cockpit with closed wheel wells. Pity about the wing shape that was off






Divots again, Trumpeter have rightly or wrongly (and this seems to be the fashion for this Chinese manufactures) feel that this is what the modellers want Shallow cockpit same error with tailplanes as the 32nd scale kit






Kit of unknown provenance. Based on the standard of Hobbycraft at the time possibly not worth trying to find one


P36/ Hawk75/ MohawkIV


I believe this is a far better kit than the above. Some fair cockpit detail and all panel lines are scribed. Now released by Academy.




Suffers from serious under fuselage shape problem. Can be corrected with work, lots of it. Scribed panel lines fair cockpit. Now released by Academy




P40M/ P40N/ Kittyhawk MkII


Lurid colours, lime green, fashion pink etc. You need sunglasses when building some of these models. Very nice kits. Cockpit detail included, which can be vastly improved upon. Wheel wells enclosed, scribed panel lines. Engineering on this multi variant kits was good




P40M/Kittyhawk MkIII/P40N


This is the Mauve kit with additional Eduard supplied detail parts. The standard kit gives new photo-etched parts (attention to detail is excellent as for the P40N. Three different instrument panels are supplied to allow an accurate sub-type to be built) The Profi-Pack includes a wealth of resin.

Eduard have a nnounced a P-40 family of their own for the future.






Scribed panel lines, detailed cockpit (better than the Mauve kit) enclosed, wheel wells. All the basics are there to build a good model. Multipart plug in sections to give the different tail and engine details did cause some issues, especially if during manufacture the alignment was not done correctly, Also the parts had quite heavy flash, even when new.




P40E/ P40F


The P40E is an unreleased variant of the AMT kit. Suffers from poor alignment of the drop in tail plug, this included the replacement fuselage supplied in the box. P40F kit included a new resin nose to replace the kit parts (obviously someone thought the kit parts were not 100% accurate




P40E /Kittyhawk MkIa /P40K /P40M /Kittyhawk MkIII /P40N


Latest P40 kit on the market. A little over engineered to achieve the multiple versions, and unlike AMT, Hasegawa make this the modellers job to put together but with care during assembly this can be overcome. I personally prefer this route as I control the assembly and don't have to rely upon someone else to ensure that the multi-plug moulds are correctly aligned. Very well detailed cockpit, closed wheel wells. Certain versions (P40K) have only been on limited release and thus a little difficult to get hold of.



1/32nd SCALE






Divots and shallow cockpit (about 50% of the depth it should be) With work and effort a good result can be achieved. But the cockpit will need replacement.


P40 E, M and N


Looks good 






Old, rivets raised panel lines, etc. But one of the later generation Revell 32nd scale kits thus is better in some respects than the earlier (Hurricane and Spitfire) ones. Fair cockpit open wheel wells.




P40E /Kittyhawk MkIa /P40K /P40M /Kittyhawk MkIII /P40N


Latest P40 kit on the market. A little over engineered to achieve the multiple versions, Hasegawa make this the modellers job to put together but with care during assembly this can be overcome. I personally prefer this route as I control the assembly and don't have to rely upon someone else to ensure that the multi-plug moulds are correctly aligned. Very well detailed cockpit, closed wheel wells. Certain versions have only been on limited release and thus a little difficult to get hold of and expensive. The P40N was released by Eduard with resin additions.  



1/24th SCALE


Vintage Aircraft




Have not seen one yet.